Childbirth photography, birth photography, birth stories…whatever you call it, it’s magical. I’m never more humbled or in awe of human life than in these moments. Being a birth photographer is a genuine privilege, for me – for so many reasons.
Being present at the moment a child enters the world–a brand-new, fresh little soul–never gets old. And I never, ever take for granted the amount of faith and trust placed in me by that baby’s parents!
Little Bryson’s mom Erica said something to me when she first saw these images. It’s something that will always stick with me! She verbalized what I try with all of my might to communicate to anyone curious about birth photography.
“I didn’t even know half of what I saw in the pictures had happened!” she said. “I feel like I get to experience it again–for real–through these photographs.”
Childbirth is a whirlwind in even the best of circumstances – and Erica and Keith’s story of welcoming Bryson was no exception!
Erica was EXHAUSTED after hours of being in labor, with very little progression. With no sleep and no food, her body was just about tapped out when she and her medical team made the decision that a c-section was what was best for mom and baby.
Things moved fast after that. One of the things that you’re paying for when you hire a birth photographer is experience–and I cannot overstate the importance of that quality, folks! I have seen so many deliveries, in such a wide variety of circumstances. I can anticipate moments and see the birth process in a way that’s difficult for an inexperienced person to do! That level of experience helps me to get images that will mean the world to you later, even when things don’t go according to plan.
See, little Bryson experienced what’s known in the birth world as a double nuchal cord.
This means that the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around his neck, which caused his heart rate to drop during labor. While this condition can be very scary, these guys were in the very best of hands at Woman’s Hospital.
In no time at all, he was delivered safely and (after a little TLC) snugly into his mommy and daddy’s arms. Because Bryson needed a little bit of extra attention after being born, though, everything moved very quickly–so mom didn’t get a chance to witness everything she thought she may be able to from the operating table.
That’s why it meant so much to me to hear that Erica was able to see ALL of the moments after Bryson first entered the world, though these images. Sometimes birth plans don’t look like what we thought they would–and that’s okay! Bryson was born in exactly the way he NEEDED to be born to be the happy, healthy and squishy little guy he is today.
These images are some of my very favorite, ever. I say that every time, I know–but it’s only because I have the strongest, most amazing, most wonderful clients in the whole wide world who trust me with their stories.
It’s hard to take a bad photo of awesome, as it turns out.
Check out a few of my very favorites from this birth story!
Well, no one’s ever going to be able to say that this kid doesn’t know how to make an entrance.
I tear up every time I look at this image – I love the woman in it so much, and it sums up the powerful love that she has for this boy!
Nothing went according to “plan” this day – Erica was exhausted, and overwhelmed, and just aching to hold her baby–but she knew her amazing medical team was on top of things. You can see all of the love in her eyes as she waits patiently–WHILE BEING SEWN BACK UP AFTER AN OPERATION–to let her littlest love know firsthand that she’s been waiting all of her life to hold him close.
This kid had the best faces from the very first, y’all. The best. #IWasPromisedMilk #Betrayed
These moments, man. The best. WE DID IT!
Forever the most difficult shot of my career to get. Baby feet, but no nudie-bits. Just lookin’ out for my little homies!
Show us your personality, Bryson. Oh, therrrrre it is!
Grandparents, man – that look of “Look what we helped make!” always gets me.
There is *always* that one relative or friend in the baby-meeting group. There he stands, hands in his pocket, and trying not to look petrified. “Nope,” he says. “I’m good,” when he’s asked if he wants to hold the baby. #NotGonnaBeTheOneToBreakItThanks
(Spoiler alert: I love that one person in every group, LOL)
There’s just something about a little tiny baby in daddy’s big hands! <3
Pure love, right here. So proud of this mama, and so lucky to have been a part of her story!
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