Hospital birth photography is something I’ve been at for a long time, now. I love every single moment of it, but after I-don’t-even-know-how-many births, it’s rare that there’s a “first” for me.
Enter, Baby Hardin’s story.
Y’all, I have *never* laughed so hard at a dad’s reaction to childbirth. Never. I legit lost track of how many times I told myself, “Welp, this is it. It’s never getting funnier than this one.”
Even the nurses at Woman’s Hospital were getting in on the hilarity. I have a very distinct memory of one of them looking at me and mouthing, “PLEASE TELL ME YOU’RE VIDEOING THIS.”
Indeed, folks. I *was* videoing this. 😂 (Psst – considering a birth story of your own, and wanna see a birth video example? Drop me a line and I’ll shoot you some video baby magic!)
But seriously – this family’s birth story was absolutely wonderful. I love capturing the nuances of a couple’s relationship during the chaos of birth–and these two did not disappoint. Kenzie was the very definition of calm, cool and collected…which made it extra funny when Caleb was slowly but surely losing his sh*t.
It says a lot about Caleb’s love for his wife that he was so worried about Kenzie. That was the source of a lot of his anxiety (at least in the beginning!). These two had prepared so much, and waited so long for this little boy, that they were SO ready to meet him!
Kenzie did GREAT for her birth, and baby Hardin was absolutely perfect. I had so much fun being a part of this hospital birth photography story with this family. And I’m STILL so proud of Caleb for cutting the cord! (Can you believe he really did that?! Round of applause, man!)
Enjoy some of my very favorite images from this hospital birth photography story at Woman’s Hospital!
Capturing two stories in the same frame is my jam. Caleb’s reaction started cracking me up riiiiight about here! 😅
I love how exhausted Caleb was after this whole experience! 😂
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