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November 10, 2017

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Family Photography Ingles Day In The Life 15

Documentary family photography sessions are among my very favorite things to shoot, so I had a blast hanging out with the Ingles family for their Life Unscripted session. The girls were at one of the most perfect ages for this kind of Family Photography session – full of sass, and happy, mischief, and so much fun. […]

January 2, 2017

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Family Photography The Wells 16

I’ve known Marissa since high school, and we’re the kind of friends who are so alike that it’s downright scary. When she asked me for a Day in the Life photography session of her family as they decorated their home for Christmas, I was all over it! This is a really special time in their […]

December 19, 2016

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Family Photography Documentary First Birthday 10

Baton Rouge Family Photographer | First Haircut | Weston This kid right here… He cracked me up, all day. When mom Roxana asked me to photograph Weston’s first haircut and birthday celebration, I was all in, and couldn’t wait to meet this guy. There’s nothing like a bustling family birthday celebration to really bring out the family […]

November 28, 2016

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Family Photography Highland Park 14

I was pretty excited when this mom invited me to take some images of her two littles – the family has been near and dear to me for a long time! So, when mom said she wanted some relaxed, laid back portraits of the kids, I was all over it! These two kids had a […]

November 26, 2016

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Family Photography Hilltop Arboretum Harrison 12

This family photography session at the Hilltop Arboretum in Baton Rouge was such a special shoot for me. Almost two years ago now, I photographed this little boy Harrison’s big brother, Kason. Kason was born a sleeping angel, and I met his parents Kendra and Jimmy through my volunteer work with Now I Lay Me […]

November 18, 2016

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Family Photography The Fleigs DITL 2

Baton Rouge Family Photography Life Unscripted It doesn’t get much cooler than hanging out with two fun, funky parents up for anything. And their baby girl for a few hours on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon. A lot of times, I have to talk parents into being spontaneous and going with the flow, and it’s a […]

November 14, 2016

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Documentary Family Photography The Wests 3

Baton Rouge family photography is one of my very favorite things in the whole wide world to photograph. I often get asked which I prefer – family photography, or weddings – and the answer is that I love both so much, I couldn’t possibly pick. Even though wedding photography and family photography seem like wildly […]

January 31, 2016

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Documentary Family Photography The Rays 2

The Ray family and I braved the (brief) Louisiana cold recently, for their family session at the Hilltop Arboretum in Baton Rouge! It’s always a little rough getting up so early in the morning to get your photo taken, but everyone handled it like a champ – even Miss Maddy, eventually. She greeted me covered […]

December 23, 2015

FILED IN: Family

Louiana Documentary Family Photography The Poches 19

Ascension Parish Louisiana Family Photography The Poches It’s that time of year, folks – Christmas card season! In south Louisiana, this is the time in which everyone gets dressed up in cute sweaters and acts like it’s *actually* cold outside for a bit while they smile for the camera. All while it’s, like, seventy degrees […]

November 20, 2015

FILED IN: Family

Baton Rouge Documentary Family Photography The Foret Family 5

Somewhere, in a field in Baton Rouge Louisiana, a little magic happened during this family session, this day. Sometimes we spend a lot of time trying to make a family photography session “perfect”, when in reality things needs very little intervention! The rise of Pinterest trends makes us think that we need a lot of […]

Bayou Rose Photo on instagram


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