May 14, 2021

Adoption Photography Baton Rouge | Colton

FILED IN: Birth, Family

Adoption Photography Baton Rouge | Colton


I can still remember this day, with crystal-clear clarity. We were all newly fumbling our way through the pandemic, and all of the chaos it was causing in our daily lives. Then, I got a call – a sweet family had gotten some incredible news. They were going to be parents on a moment’s notice.

They’d planned for a long struggle to find an adoptive mother. They’d started fundraisers, and printed t-shirts. Kayla and Charles had prepared themselves for what could be years of waiting, and hoping, and heartache.

But then they got a call. The baby boy that would be theirs–who had been theirs from the moment his heart started beating–would be discharged from the hospital the next day.

Could they come?

Could I come? they asked me.

So, naturally I grabbed my gear, and my newly-sewn face mask, and I hit the road to be a part of this with them.

It could not have been more emotional, or more moving. We waited in the car, anxiously. Their fresh car seat was next to me, still smelling of the box it had so recently been unpacked from. When we got the all-clear, we stood outside the entrance, spaced carefully apart, and held our breaths waiting on their miracle.

And then, there he was.

Gingerly settled into the arms of the courageous birth mom who wanted the very best life for him–who loved him enough to say goodbye. He met his new mom and dad with a sleepy, contented sigh, as he passed from one set of arms to another.

I’ll never forget the pure joy of this moment. The tears that flowed–the fierce grip in the hug of a grateful new mom, as she thanked Colton’s birth mother for a gift so momentous… So life-changing. The teary, is-this-real-life laugh from a man who’d only been a hopeful parent just a few hours before, now holding his son in his arms.

Moments like this change us forever. And not just the subjects of the photos. Me, too.

I never had to struggle for my babies, to fight for my babies. But in the middle of a global pandemic, in the presence of hope fulfilled, I was reminded again of how grateful I am for them. And how grateful I am to be able to be a part of moments like these.

So we all changed, this day.

And pretty soon, I get to watch Colton officially, legally, become a part of this little family. I hope he always remembers the love that surrounded him in these moments. ♥


woman waits in car
adoptive parents hug while waiting on their baby
adoptive mom laughs and cries
adoptive mom and dad waiting outside hospital
adoptive mom watching hospital exit anxiously while waiting on their adoptive son
adoptive mom and dad tear up as they watch their son come out of hospital
parents hold hands while walking towards their new son
birth mom with mask holds newborn baby
adoptive parents meeting newborn for the first time
mom holding newborn son
adoptive parents cry as they hold their new baby
emotional photo of couple adopting a baby
adoptive parents kissing while holding newborn
adoptive mom looking lovingly at newborn baby boy
adoption,West Jefferson Hospital,Newborn,birth mom,adoptive mom,
black and white photo of adoptive parents hugging birth mom and crying

Adoptive mom hugging birth mom and crying
adoption,West Jefferson Hospital,Newborn,birth mom,adoptive mom,
adoption photography Baton Rouge
adoption photography Baton Rouge
adoption photography Baton Rouge
adoption photography Baton Rouge
adoption photography Baton Rouge
adoption photography Baton Rouge
adoption photography Baton Rouge

Love this adoption photography Baton Rouge session? Wanna book your own? CLICK HERE to get in touch!

comments +

  1. Dawn says:

    Thank you so so much for sharing this beautiful occasion! Charles is my son & seeing some of these photos for the first time was so moving to say the very least. Due to COVID restrictions all the Grandparents were not able to be there for this JOYOUS time. This gift if this child has been nothing short of the BLESSING he has become to all our families. But to read your words so eloquently stated really pulls at the heartstrings to us all. As tomorrow approaches & the FINALIZATION upon us we are so excited to finally say he’s officially AND legally theirs & in turn ours! Thank you Jesus for this blessing & thank you for sharing their story through your eyes. So so touching! 💕

    • Thank YOU so much for your kind words! I’m so glad I could be there to help you share in the experience. You’ve got some great kids there, and you should be very proud of all of them!

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